
We believe in creating conscious holiday experiences that enable our visitors to connect with nature and people in an authentic and sustainable environment.

Taranga Safari Lodge is situated on the riverbank of the Okavango overlooking Lilly-covered wetlands where everything at the lodge centres around our guests, nature & environment, the community and culture. We offer a luxury classic safari-style camp that is designed to enhance our guest’s experience of one of Africa’s last unspoilt rivers, the Okavango River which flows past the lodge from west to east on its journey to the Okavango Delta.

If you are a bird lover, you will find plenty of opportunities to indulge your passion at the Taranga Safari Lodge. You can choose from a range of boat trips that will take you along the scenic waterways of the Okavango Delta, where you can spot hundreds of different bird species.

Whether you prefer a relaxing sundowner cruise, an early morning sunrise cruise, a fishing trip or a dedicated bird-watching cruise, you will be amazed by the diversity and beauty of the avian life.

You can also explore the river banks on guided walks, where you can learn more about the ecology and history of the area. For a more intimate experience, you can explore the private bird path and watering hole, where you can observe the birds in their natural habitat and enjoy the tranquillity of nature.

Whether you prefer a relaxing sundowner cruise, an early morning sunrise cruise, a fishing trip or a dedicated bird-watching cruise, you will be amazed by the diversity and beauty of the avian life

Although not situated within an established nature park or sanctuary Taranga offers a good portfolio of experiences including:

  • Beautiful scenery including star studded nights during winter
  • Incredible river sunsets via a sundowner cruise, river bar or your deck
  • Green wetlands
  • Hippo, crocodile and otter
  • Rich variety of birds including several rare bird species
  • Natural Green & lush vegetation
  • Authentic rural African community with its unique culture

Boat Cruise

The peaceful waterworld of the Okavango provides an ideal experience of the African sunrise or sunset. Enjoy the sights and sounds of the wildlife along the river, including birds, hippos and crocodiles. Glimpse the friendly villagers rowing by on their watus. During flood season, water lilies brighten the channels.

Boat Cruise
Boat Cruise

Walking Trails

Taranga Safari Lodge is surrounded by 11 hectares of African bush, which is home to hundreds of beautiful and rare bird species, including the African jacana, African skimmer, Giant kingfisher, Malachite kingfisher and African fish eagle. These can be spotted fluttering along our walking paths and drinking at the watering hole or fishing and wading in the river.

Walking Trail
Walking Trail

Bird Watching

The Okavango river is an ideal destination for those who are after the most prized freshwater game fish, the mighty Tigerfish. The river also provides the chance to catch large Catfish, Nembwe and Squeakers.

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504793598 birding taranga3


The Okavango river is an ideal destination for those who are after the most prized freshwater game fish, the mighty Tigerfish. The river also provides the chance to catch large Catfish, Nembwe and Squeakers.


Traditional Village

The Okavango River is home to many traditional villages and cultures that have adapted to the unique environment of the delta. One of the main ethnic groups in the Kapako region is the Mbunza, who belong to the larger Kavango group. The Mbunza have a rich and diverse culture that includes fishing, farming, basket weaving, pottery making, and storytelling. They also have a strong system of chieftainship and ancestral worship. The Mbunza Living Museum is a place where visitors can learn more about the pre-colonial culture and traditions of the Mbunza people. Another ethnic group in the Kapako region is the baYei, who migrated from the Zambezi region and introduced the mokoro (dugout canoe) as a mode of transport and fishing along the river. The baYei have a close relationship with nature and the river, and they also share some cultural aspects with the Basarwa (San Bushmen), who are the original inhabitants of the area.

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Traditional Village qac3w5r3hj1vha9heo69n7btjduo5czeltggk9nyqw